
Yopig ag
Yopig ag

If after viewing your first three cards, you have or like your chances of getting a winning hand, you may keep the bet by clicking on Let It Ride. Press Let It Ride to play your first or second bet. For example you have a pair of Jacks on your first three cards you already have a winner so All In is the way to go. This is useful in scenarios in which you are sure of having a wining hand. Pressing All In on a play will automatically bet on the first and second bet. A Take Down can be done on the first and second bet only. Once the first community card is revealed to you may take down if you consider the odds unfavorable. If after viewing your first three cards you don't like your chances of getting a winning hand, you may Take Down your first bet. Press Take Down to withdraw your first or second bet. Your final hand in combination with the two community cards determines if you have a winning hand. You are dealt three cards face up and two community cards face down. You may begin by pressing the Deal button once a bet is placed on the table. Winning bets are paid out according to the payout schedule on the bottom right hand of the table. At this point the five cards will decide if you have a winning poker hand or not. The dealer now deals the fifth and final card. Your third and final bet cannot be withdrawn therefore you must Let It Ride. Taking all four cards into consideration, you must now decide what to do with your second bet: withdraw or Let It Ride. After deciding to withdraw or Let It Ride, the first community card is dealt. If you feel that you will get a winning poker hand, or if you already have a pair of 10s or better, you can Let it Ride. Once you view your first three cards you may not like your chances of getting a winning combination, so you may remove your first bet if this is the case. Your hand consists of five cards: three dealt to you and two community cards placed in front of the dealer. You will have the opportunity to withdraw two of the three bets as the hand progresses. Initially you must place three identical bets. The higher your hand is ranked, the more you will win. You must have at least a Pair of 10s or better to win. Let It Ride Poker uses the standard ranking of Poker hands ranging from a Royal Flush down to a Pair of 10s. The player does not actually play against the dealer or another player but rather against the odds in order to get the best five card poker hand possible.

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The object of the game is to get at least a "pair of 10s or better" from a combination of your three cards and two community cards, while keeping all three regular bets in action.

Yopig ag